The Well House
A place of peace. A home of hope.
The name of the Well House, was inspired by the story of the Woman at the Well in John 4. Jesus sought her out at the well during a time of distress and offered her hope, healing, and restoration without any shame. Our goal is to provide the same experience for every woman who comes to The Well House. Here we pray they can discover that Jesus' love is enough for them too.
At Learning to Live Beloved Ministries, we are dedicated to serving survivors of domestic sex trafficking and sexual exploitation through a variety of services including our home - The Well House. Once renovations are complete, The Well House will home adult females 18 and older who are beginning their process of recovering from the trauma of sexual exploitation and abuse. We are not a shelter, but a place of refuge that provides a trauma-informed, restorative living environment, with compassionate and professional support to assist survivors in their healing process while they wait for permanent housing in a long term residential program. We strive to offer a haven of peace and rest for those in need, so that they can restore their self-worth and learn to live beloved no matter where their story takes them.
Our Road Map to Opening
The Well House
1. Acquire Home
100% Complete
In 2023, the Well House was graciously donated to our organization.
3. Renovations Budget
97% Complete
The home needs quite a bit of work before it is ready to house survivors. We are looking to raise $190,000 to do phase one of the required work to bring this home up to code and create a haven of peace for the survivors who will stay with us. We are working closely with our project manager to get detailed numbers for each stage of renovations. So far we have raised a little over $180,000 towards our goal.
2. Zoning
100% Complete
By God’s grace, zoning approved our use of the house.
4. Develop Programming
50% Complete
Our staff will be completing training through Selah Freedom Consulting. Through this program we are able to adopt policies, procedures as well as staff curriculum and client curriculum to be used throughout our organization. Our CEO and Resident Coordinator has been meeting with shelter leaders throughout the state to seek their knowledge and wisdom for the road ahead. Our CEO and Resident Coordinator has also obtained her Victim Advocate certification and is working through Mental Health and Trauma Informed Care certifications from the AACC.
5. Security System
For the safety of our team and residents we plan to apply for Grants to install security systems throughout our campus.
7. Solidify Service Providers
50% Complete
We are currently meeting with and vetting a list of services providers to partner with. This includes trauma therapists, clinics and doctors, substance abuse recovery programs, nutritionist, legal services etc.
6. Furnish Home
35% Complete
We will be accepting donations of gently used furniture and appliances for the home. We will post a wish list of needs closer to our opening date.
8. Develop Referral Directory
100% Complete
Though many of the survivors we have served have found us via word of mouth, we plan to partner with established and trusted referral agencies so that when we have a wait list or are unable to provide services we can easily direct a client to the organization that would fit them best. We also plan to work closely with local law enforcement to establish a victim service referral network.
9. Hire and Train Staff
Pending Funding
Our home will require 24/7 staff - staff that is equipped with training specific to the needs of the survivors we will be assisting. We are dedicated to hiring educated and trauma informed staff before we open. Once we reach our fundraising goals for the Well House, we will begin to vet employees with the help of Selah Freedom’s Consulting team. Our team of direct care staff will receive specialized training from Selah Freedom as will all our staff and volunteers. These trainings ensures we provide the highest quality of care for the women we serve. We need approximently $300K to ruin fully staffed for 1 year.
10. Onboard Residents
We will house 3 residents at a time
We are so excited for the very near future when we will be able to welcome our first resident to our restorative care assessment home. Our goal is that through our programming and staff she will be filled with hope that her journey with us can take her to a place of full healing and restoration in Jesus.